Case 480D, 480LL Loader Service Manual


Manual Included:

Service Manual: 1200 pages


Brand: New Holland
Model: 480D, 480LL
Type: Loader
Manuals: Service Manual
Publication Numbers: 9-69260 (July 1981)
Language: English
Format: PDF

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Table of Content (Service Manual)

  1. General
  2. Engines
  3. Fuel System
  4. Electrical
  5. Steering
  6. Power Train
  7. Brakes
  8. Hydraulics System
  9. Mounted Equipment/Chassis

Manual Extract: Steering Column Disassembly

1. Remove the cap from the center of the steering wheel. The cap is held by the fit of an 0-ring.
2. Loosen and remove the nut that holds the steering wheel in place.
3. Use an acceptable puller and remove the steering wheel.
4. Loosen the two cap screws that hold the clamp for the steering column in place.
5. Loosen the nut on the bolt in the clamp at the bottom of the steering column.
6. Pull the tube up until you can see the coupling at the bottom of the shaft.
7. Remove the retaining ring from the bottom groove in the coupling.
8. Use a hammer and punch to remove the pin from the coupling.
9. Remove the cap screws and the clamp that hold the steering column in place.
10. Remove the steering column.
11. Pull the shaft out of the bottom of the tube.
12. Remove the bushing/seal from the tube.


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