Komatsu D85EX-15, D85PX-15 Dozer Service Manual


Manual Included:

  • Shop Manual: 936 pages (SEBM029108) & 1233 pages (SEN02947-03)


  • Brand:ย Komatsu
  • Model: D85EX-15, D85PX-15, D85EX-15R, D85PX-15R
  • Type: Dozer
  • Serial Number:
    1001 and up (D85EX-15)
    10001 and up (D85PX-15)
    20001 and up (D85EX-15R, D85PX-15R)
  • Manuals: Shop Manual
  • Publication Numbers: SEBM029108 and SEN02947-03
  • Language:ย English
  • Format:ย PDF
Categories: ,


Table of Content

01 GENERAL ……………………………………………………………………………………01-1
20 TESTING AND ADJUSTING ………………………………………………………..20-1
30 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ………………………………………………….30-1
90 OTHERS ……………………………………………………………………………………..90-1

1. General Instructions
This section presents under one heading the basic information and procedures common to the sections on “Disassembly and Assembly”, “Testing and Adjustments”, “Troubleshooting”, and “Removal and Installation”. It is essential for the serviceman to thoroughly understand and know this section till it becomes a part of his common sense.

2. Structure and Function.
This section gives a detailed explanation of the “Structure” with details and drawings of the “Constituent Parts” and “block” or “circuit” diagrams, arranged for the serviceman, but also useful as a textbook for training service personnel. The Training Aids should is use to cover the basic theory in this Komatsu Dozer Manual.

3. Testing and Adjustments.
Procedures of all the necessary “Tests” and “Adjustments” are describe with photographs showing the necessary measuring equipment and the location for making the measurements. This should aid the serviceman in his trouble shooting, checking and adjusting work.

4. Troubleshooting
Typical common troubles are listed and systematically described; with their causes and the procedures for finding and diagnosing the symptoms.
As it is impossible to list all of the possible troubles, the serviceman should study the sections covering the “Structure and Function” and “Testing and Adjustments” and apply this knowledge to diagnose any non-listed troubles.

5. Manual Specifications
In this section, all standard dimensions and tolerances that are necessary to perform Testing and Adjustments is mention with drawings together with, appropriate procedures for disassembly and assembly, performing repairs, or troubleshooting. However, basic dimensions and tolerances, for repairs or rebuilding, are limited to those machine parts most commonly worked on.

The monitor panel consists of a monitor that issues an alarm when an error occurred in a vehicle, a gauge that always displays the state of the vehicle, and the service meter display portion etc.
The monitor panel installs a microcomputer and processes and displays signals from each sensor and controller.
Besides, the items displayed on the monitor portion and gauge portion are listed in the table on the next page.
1. When the power turns on (When the starter switch is ON)
1) All items of the gauge and monitor portions come on for three seconds.
2) The alarm lamp comes on for two seconds.
2. Check before starting
1) After all lighting of Section 1 is terminated, if there is an error in a check-before-starting item, the item may flash and the contents of the error may be displayed on display portion B (14).


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