John Deere 2355, 2555, 2755, 2855, 2855N, 2955, 3155 Tractors Repair Manual


Manual Included:

  • Repair Technical Manual: 604 Pages (TM4435)
  • Operation and Test Manual: 525 Pages (TM4436)
  • Operation and Test Supplement Manual: 231 Pages (TM4436suppl)


  • Brand:ย John Deere
  • Model: 2355, 2555, 2755, 2855, 2855N, 2955, 3155
  • Type: Tractors
  • Manuals: Repair Technical Manual and Operation and Test Manual
  • Publication Numbers: TM4435, TM4436 and TM4436suppl
  • Language:ย English
  • Format:ย PDF
Categories: ,


Table of Content ( Operation and Test Manual – TM4436)

210 -Safety
220- Engine
05- Radiator and viscous fan drive
230- Fuel and Air Intake System
05- Fueltank, auxiliary fuel tank and water trap
10-Cold weather starting aids
15- Speed control linkage
20- Air cleaner
240- Electrical System
05- General
10-Electrical diagrams (without SGB or ROPS)
15-Circuit diagnosis (without SGB or ROPS)
16- Electrical diagrams (GP tractors without SGB, from Serial No.618 700L)
17- Circuit diagnosis (GP tractors without SGB, from Serial No. 618 700L)
20- Electrical diagrams (with SGB or ROPS)
25- Circuit diagnosis (with SGB or ROPS)
30-Testing components
35-Starting motor
250- Power Train
05- Clutch operating linkages
10- Engine single-stage clutch (without reverser)
15- Engine single-stage clutch (with reverser)
20- Engine dual-stage clutch
25-Hi-Lo shift unit
30- Reverser
35- Creeper transmission
40-Transmission shift linkages
45- Synchronized transmission and transmission oil pump
50- Collar shift transmission and transmission oil pumps
55- Differential
60- Final drives
65- Independent PTO
70- Continuous-running PTO
75-Front PTO
80-Front wheel drive u.j. drive shaft and disk clutch

READ THIS MANUAL carefully to learn how to operate and service your Tractor correctly.

This Unit of the Service Manual contains maintenance instructions for the Model 2355, 2555, 2755, 2855, 2855N, 2955, 3155 Tractors.
Included are complete instructions for removal, disassembly, inspection, repair, assembly, and installation of all parts and assemblies.

In addition, the manual contains a brief description of the more complicated systems of the tractor and tells how they operate. Dimensions of many new wearing parts are given as an aid in determining when parts replacement is necessary. Tests and adjustments required to keep the tractor operating at full efficiency are explained in detail. Full instructions on preparing a new tractor for delivery to the customer are included.

Use the John Deere 2355, 2555, 2755, 2855, 2855N, 2955, 3155 Tractors Service Manual whenever in doubt about correct maintenance procedures. Use it as a text book for new Service Department personnel who are unfamiliar with John Deere Tractor.
Daily use of the Service Manual as a guide for any and all service problems will reduce error and costly delay to the minimum and assure you the best in finished service work.


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