Case Puma 115, 125, 140, 155 Tractor Service Manual


Manual Included:

โ€ข Service Manual: 3761 pages


โ€ข Brand: Case
โ€ข Model: Puma 115, 125, 140, 155
โ€ข Type: Tractor
โ€ข Manuals: Service Manual
โ€ข Publication Number: 87727132BNA (April 2010)
โ€ข Language: English
โ€ข Format: PDF

Categories: ,


Table of Content (Service Manual)

  • Introduction
  • Hydraulic
  • Pneumatic
  • Electrical
  • Electronic System
  • Engine
  • PTO
  • Transmission
  • Drive and PTO out
  • Axles
  • Brakes and Steering
  • Frame and Cab
  • Hitch and Working Tool

Manual Extract: PRIMARY HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM Electro-hydraulic remote valve

Static description Activity
Each remote valve has its own built in microprocessor which controls the oil flow through a solenoid activated valve, based on inputs received from the operator controlled switches.

Each remote valve is connected into the electrical CAN BUS system to the RK / RL control module, located behind the drivers seat. Each remote valve can also detect system faults and send a message to the RK / RL module which in turn sends a signal to allow a fault code to be displayed on the instrument cluster.
Refer to the fault code list for relevant information.

Control Levers
The electro-hydraulic remote valves are operated by control levers in the right-hand console. Each control lever is coloured to correspond to the color on the remote valve. A maximum of four electro-hydraulic remote valves may be fitted.


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