Case DV23, DV26, DV23CC, DV26CC Roller Service Manual


Manual Included:

โ€ข Service Manual: 505 pages


โ€ข Brand: Case
โ€ข Model: DV23, DV26, DV23CC, DV26CC
โ€ข Type: Roller
โ€ข Manuals: Service Manual
โ€ข Publication Number: 48142067 (Sep 2017)
โ€ข Language: English
โ€ข Format: PDF

Categories: ,


Table of Contents

  • Content
  • Introduction
  • Maintenance
  • Engine
  • Hydrostatic Drive
  • Brakes and Controls
  • Hydraulic System
  • Frames and Ballasting
  • Steering
  • Wheels
  • Electrical System
  • Platform, Cab, Bodywork and Decals

Manual Extract: Brake pump – Check

If the roller moves in spite of the actuated parking brake switch, you must perform the brake test.
1. Remove the brake hose from the front roller drum drive motor.
2. Seal the open hose end so that it can be pressurized.
3. Start the roller.
4. Press the parking brake switch.
The brake light must extinguish quickly.
5. Test the forwards and the backwards drive Because the front brake remains activated, the roller does not move.
6. Switch the roller off.
7. Reinstall the brake hose.
8. Repeat the steps 1 to 7 for the rear drive motor.
9. Make absolutely sure that you have reconnected all the brake lines!
10. Start the roller.
The brake light must extinguish quickly.
11. Test the forwards and the backwards drive.



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