Case 688 Excavator Service Manual


Manual Included:

  • Service Manual: 927 pages


  • Brand: Case
  • Model: 688
  • Type: Excavator
  • Manuals: Service Manual
  • Publication Numbers: 8-88991 (May 1990)
  • Language: English
  • Format:ย PDF
Categories: ,


Table of Contents

  1. General
  2. Engine
  3. Fuel System
  4. Electrical
  5. Track
  6. Power Train
  7. Hydraulics
  8. Mounted Equipment

Manual Extract:

Priming The Turbocharger
1. Place the transmission range shift lever in ” N ” Neutral position.
2. Set the throttle lever not more than 1/3 open position ( 1000 RPM) .
3. Push in the fuel shutoff control. Press starter button until engine starts. IMPORTANT: Do not increase throttle or apply load until normal oil pressure shows on the engine oil pressure gauge, assuring proper lubrication to the turbocharger.

IMPORTANT: In very cold weather, at oil filter change or when the tractor has been idle for several weeks or more, proceed as follows to prime the turbocharger.

Pull out the fuel shutoff control, press the start button and hold. Allow the engine to crank until the engine on pressure gauge pointer reaches the green zone. Do not exceed 30 seconds cranking time
Push in the fuel shutoff control and press the start button. Run the engine (about 2 min.
max.) at 1000 RPM until normal engine oil pressure shows on the engine oil pressure gauge assuring proper lubrication to the turbocharger.

4. If the engine fires and stops, wait for the starting motor to stop spinning before attempting another start.
5. Do not use the starting motor longer than 30 seconds without interruption. Wait at least 3 minutes between cranking’s so batteries can recuperate and the starting motor can cool.

6. Should the engine kill when operating under load, immediately restart the engine to prevent over-heating caused by stopping the flow of oil for turbocharger, cooling and lubrication.


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